Lack of motivation and lack of enthusiasm are two of the main reasons for failure and of living a mediocre life. People lacking in motivation and enthusiasm are usually passive, blame everything and everyone for their circumstances, and often come up with many excuses why they shouldn't or cannot do this or that. On the other hand, a motivated person is energetic and positive, takes action to improve his or her life, and does not give up when there are problems.
What are the reasons for lack of motivation and enthusiasm?

The above mentioned reasons stifle motivation and enthusiasm, and are only excuses for not acting. However, you learn to overcome and disregard them, by becoming aware of them, acknowledging them, and understanding that you can change the programming of your mind.

If you wish to improve your life, you need to awaken motivation and enthusiasm. You need to realize how much you lose by their absence, and how much you gain by having them.
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