• Diari Guru - Alhamdulillah. Saya rasa perasaan ini adalah perasaan yang selalu dirasai oleh semua yang bergelar guru. Ada waktu kita rasa stress bila mengajar, sebab d...
    5 years ago

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Whats makes u a Good Learner

There are many ways to improve the great thinking instead of increase the critical thinking. For this time i just want to share about Advance Organizer : KWHL Techniques , and Thinking Templates or Graphics Organiser.

1. Advance Organizer : KWHL Techniques 

what is KWHL stands for ? 
The table above can be used for making a good planner in learning. It is called the Advance organizer. Advance organizer helps students to connect the new ideas of what they may learn with the ready knowledge they have before, therefore makes the learning more effective.

2. Thinking Template or Graphics Organiser

Graphic organisers are highly effective thinking tools that illustrate the organisation or structure of and relationships between concepts. Graphic organisers provide opportunities to track thinking and clarify both the content and the thinking processes used when creating, problem-solving or evaluating. 

Graphic organisers are visual frameworks that help students to:
  • structure and make visible their thinking processes
  • organise their information, ideas and research
  • see both the whole and the parts of a problem or issue
  • plan activities and investigations
  • review and reflect on progress, understanding and skills
  • communicate effectively using images
  • extend their thinking by encouraging in-depth thought on topics and/or issues.

Click the link below to see the example of thinking template :
Graphic Organizers that Support Specific Thinking Skills

p/s : The writer just sharing the ideas based on what have been learn. If there's another opinion or objection, please comments down here, tq ^^

..Thanks for reading..

2 comment/s here:

Wendy Holliday said...

doing mind mapping is quite interesting. i teach my student on how to create a concept maps also. do visit mine :


Cart Kartika said...

@Wendy Holliday
great ! i've learnt about concept map and cartoon map. ^^

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